Work with AMHSI staff and your high school guidance counselors to ensure that you reenter your school classes alongside your peers. Semester students choose four classes to study, while Mini-Mester students bring their home curriculum to campus.
All levels are welcome. AMHSI provides General Studies instruction for regular, honors, and AP classes.
Transfer credits with ease. AMHSI is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, ensuring that high school credits earned at AMHSI are fully transferable to students’ US high schools.
Worry-free documentation. Upon return from Israel and culmination of the program, AMHSI will provide each student with an official copy of their academic transcript, documenting all completed coursework.

Complete List of General Studies Classes
Semester students choose four classes to study, while Mini-Mester students bring their home curriculum to campus.

Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools
For over 125 years, Middle States has been helping school leaders establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement. With more than 2,500 accredited schools and school systems in 34 states and over 100 countries, MSA-CESS is proud of its continuing legacy and its ongoing innovations to meet the challenges of improving education in the 21st century.
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Standardized Testing
Take Your APs in Israel
AMHSI is able to facilitate standardized testing while you study abroad in Israel. If you are taking AP classes while on campus, you will be able to take the AP exams for those classes while you are in Israel.
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Top Educators
Ph.D's & Other Leaders Offering Stellar Education
Whether it's Chemistry, Spanish, or European History classes, our General Studies teachers are there for you. Our team of adjunct experts include Ph.D's and published authors who are dedicated to making sure you learn the curriculum at hand, and return home without having missed an academic beat.
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